
Spring 2019

January 29, 2019-Executive Meeting

-Icecream social Thursday January 31, 2019: 5-6 pm in manchester 336

-Brown Bag- recruiting more individuals to present

-STEM Career Fair- hosted by WFU Febraury 12th

-Movie Night- playing Proof at 4 in manchester will provide snacks

January 22, 2019-Executive Meeting

-Registration for AWM Conference for attendees

-Discussion of events for this semester: movie night, brown bag talks, pizza/game nights, trivia, Discussion of Articles(issues for women in math), Career Fair for Mathematics Students, Panel with graduate students who already were accepted into PhD programs, Guest Speakers

-Joint events with Math Club

    • AWM receiving funds from math club

    • Organize the sale of the study guides (SMALL team)

    • Go around to classrooms selling them; selling them in the math center

    • Update the study guide

    • Inventory, finances

    • Get a 111 professor to be on the committee of updating the study guides

-Registering our organization as an official AWM org

    • Need to revise bylaws

Fall 2018

august 30, 2018-Executive Meeting

During today’s executive meeting we discussed holding an informational meeting for our members on Monday, September 3. As well as, a meet and greet for new members the following week. At our informational meeting we will be selecting a new Treasurer.

The upcoming plans for this semester include brown bag lunches, speakers in October and November, and a volunteer program.

Spring 2018

January 23, 2018-Executive Meeting

During today’s executive meeting we introduced new officers: Susan Rogowski, president; Elizabeth Dicus, vice president; Addie Harrison, secretary; Aquil Jones, treasurer; and Smiti Kaul, head of social media.

A poll will be sent out shortly to determine the best meeting this semester.

The upcoming events for this semester include a social with the Salem College chapter, speaker Margot Lee Shetterly, presented by Project Wake, and the AWM Triangle Conference at UNC-Chapel Hill. More information can be found on the Upcoming Events page.

We also discussed a possible mentor-mentee day and a workshop on salary negotiations.

Fall 2017

November 9, 2017

During today's meeting we held our student symposium with two of our current graduate students sharing progress on their research.

Anyone interested in an officer position for next year is invited to contact current officers for more information. Elections will be held before the end of the semester.

September 26, 2017

During today's meeting we discussed upcoming events for the chapter. Due to the number of people who have schedule conflicts with our Tuesday at 11 am time a poll will be sent out later with new potential meeting times. We would like to as many people as possible to be able to attend meetings.

The upcoming events include carpooling to the 13th Annual UNCG Regional Mathematics and Statistics Conference in Greensboro. The registration is free and open to all participants - high school, undergraduate and graduate students, high school teachers, and faculty. A modest support for students to cover transportation and local expenses is available but preference will be given to those who give talk at the conference. Please see the flyer below. This is a day trip and carpool arrangements will be made in October.

The organizations other activities have pending dates and will be scheduled according to members availability. These activities include student only talks. To help enhance public speaking skills, the AWM chapter will organize practice symposiums in which only students will attend and present research or new interesting things they've learned in math. These talks will be very informal and all students are encouraged to participate.

The club will also hold a movie night (tentatively, the movies is Hidden Figures) and a nonmath social outing.

To all female members, if you have not signed up for a mentor this school year and would like one please email me stating you would like a mentor as well as your year. Your direct mentor will be a female graduate student in the math department. This is an invaluable recourse I encourage you to use.

Lastly, instructions on how students can ​sign up for the free national memberships are also attached below.

Dear Student Chapter members.docx